Friday, August 14, 2009

need some prayer please!

If you're one of the few people that actually read this blog I would REALLY appreciate it if you pray for me during the next few weeks.

This year will be my first year teaching in the classroom, and I have A LOT of work to do before my students come back on the 24th. I don't get worked up about much in life, but lately I have been extremely overwhelmed!

There is no doubt in my mind or heart that God won't see me through this school year, but I could DEF use some of my peeps praying me up.

I appreciate EVERY one of you that reads this blog!



Melanie Watson said...

I will absolutely pray for you! I am facing the same kind of situation this year, so I am also relying on prayer and God's promises! Drew told me the other day that he felt God must have a student for me to impact so He put me back in the classroom. God has a student in mind for you to impact, too.

Melissa Shenk said...

You are going to LOVE teaching 4th grade!! Don't let the classroom scare you... get Ron Clark

get his book!! Inspiration!! He went to East Carolina (the same school I went to)

Good luck and you will find inspiration in the classroom!! Fun Posters, make a list of rules and stick by them!! Oh and most important, take a breath, say a silent prayer and let it roll!!

God Bless

Melissa Shenk said...

and the title of the book is Essential 55 by Ron Clark... he also wrote the Essential 11!! Must reads for any teacher!

Melanie Watson said...

That is a terrific book!