Monday, June 22, 2009

hello again

What up peeps. I know it's been a while since my last post, but I've just gotten a little out of routine since school's been out.

Yesterday was Father's Day usually a great day for me.....and it was up until I had to see my wife off to Cali until Wednesday! I really love that gal and miss her to death already. Life's just not the same without Mommy in the house, which reminds me I would NEVER want to be a single dad!

Don't get me wrong I LOVE my little girl, but I would never get anything done if I had to watch her 24/7 by myself. For instance right now I really need to cut the grass, but I can't.

Today I had to go to a teacher's was SOOOOO exciting. Even worse I have to keep going for the rest of the week! Although it is helping me adjust to next year in the classroom, so I should be thankful.

Hannah's coming back Wednesday night, so I'm going to do my best to surprise her with a clean house. I'm pretty sure that she won't read my blog before then, but if you do baby, SURPRISE!

Monday, June 8, 2009

tough times

Don't you just hate those times in your life when you have to try and fight off the tears? Well, today was one of those days for me.

Today was my second to last day at my job. In august I will be teaching at a new school, and in a totally different subject area. I will be going from teaching PE to teaching the 4th grade!

Anyways, at lunch today we had our "end of the year luncheon/celebration". During this celebration I had to sit up in front of everyone in a chair while my principal read a bio about me written by my wife. It was VERY tough sitting there and not crying my eyes out in front of everyone.

You might not understand this, but to me those ladies, and gentlemen (can't forget you Ron and Woodrow!) are like my family. Most of them I would consider my second moms and sisters. So, it was very hard for me to keep it together sitting up there listening to my principal say my goodbyes for me.

I was very glad that my wife included a couple of my blog posts in that bio letter, bc there is NO way I could have said that in front of everyone. I didn't say much during the lunch, not bc I don't care, but bc I literally would have broken down like a baby.

Today was one of the hardest days of my life, and I'm sure that tomorrow will replace it being the last day. If you are reading this and you have worked with me for the past three and a half years please know that I LOVE YOU to death, and I'm VERY thankful to have been a part of your life. I will pray for you all daily, and hope that you do the same for me.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Today was a great day. I played 18 holes, ate lunch, and then played another 18! It was perfect weather for some golf. Although, I will have to say that the best part of the day was not the's going to be when my wife gets home from her weekend girls retreat. I missed her SO much!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Edible Arrangements

Edible Arrangements are the freakin BOMB! Look it up if you've never heard of them.

I received one of these as a gift from one of the parents at my school. I will have to say that it's probably one of the nicest gifts I've ever gotten from a parent. I LOVE fruit and I LOVE chocolate....what a great combination!

There's a wedding shower here at school this afternoon, which means more junk food! It's REALLY hard not to eat junk when you are a's always around!!!!!! Moderation is key ;-)

I told my buddy yesterday that I think all my football and other sports' days are catching up to me. I was getting out of my truck yesterday and all of the sudden my hip just starts hurting, and then after a while my dang ankle starts killing me. I know I'm only 25 years old, but all that abuse on the body can only be good for so long!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Day so far...

Thoughts on my day:

-The Trestle has great doughnut holes!
-You can always make teachers happy by getting them doughnuts.
-I really enjoy sitting in my office with the lights off.
-Sometimes there is nothing that sounds better than complete silence.
-Having a great week with my 21 devotion.
-God is teaching me A LOT this's amazing what He will tell you when you take the time to actually listen!
-If you don't have a journal you need to get one..........even if you think it's not manly.
-I almost cried this morning watching my kids graduation video.
-I will miss my school SO much!
-Had several prayers answered this week!!!!!!!
-praying for a new friend to come to church this Sunday.
-gotta call this friend to come put gutters up on my house.
-hate thinking about my wife leaving me this weekend for a girls retreat, but will enjoy the time with Gray.
-looking forward to playing in a golf tourny this afternoon!
-about to go pay some bills before heading home.
-I LOVE my church.....even if a lot don't!
-I'm out

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pickin up the Slack!

My wife just recently told me that I was being slack with my blog posting. So, I'm going to try and do my best keeping it up.

Hannah and I have decided that we are completely comfortable in the house we live in now, and realize that we will probably be there for a while. So, we thought that if we aren't going to move into some huge house anytime soon we would dress ours a lil bit.

Here's just a taste of what we would like to do to our house:

-put down hardwood in the den, kitchen, and hallway
-close in our screen porch and hardwood that too
-get gutters
-dig up sod around house, plant it in the back yard, and put flower beds where it used to be.
-get grass to grow in backyard
-form a patio
-cut down two trees
-finish my home gym in garage

Keep in mind these are things that we will HAVE to save for, and likely will take a long time to accomplish, but you get the point. If you are skilled in one of these areas and feel like you want to bless someone PLEASE feel free to contact me!

Monday, June 1, 2009

quote of the weekend

"a back flip! That's not like a front flip, it's the opposite!"

-Kyle Fullwood