Thursday, April 30, 2009

body shop

I'm in the process of building my own personal gym in my garage. Of course there is a lot more work I have to do, and a lot more weights I need to get, but it's coming around.

Right now I don't have very many options when it comes to the bench. I can either do 135 or 225, there is no in between. So, if you have some weight plates laying around I'd me glad to take them off your hands.

I've been blessed to have such good friends that they have supplied most of the weights I have, which in turn saves me mucho dinero$$$. I'm poor and I'm not ashamed of that, and I love free stuff. Sometimes that gets me in trouble, bc people offer me something and I automatically say sure even though I don't have room for it at home!

Anyways, I'm very excited about my home gym and can't wait to see what I can accomplish by using it. I've never worked out a home before, and I've noticed after several workouts that it can be boring at times. So, if you need a place to work out come on over to the body shop at my crib!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

a problem of mine

This post is mainly for the bros out there, but I'm sure you ladies will get a kick out of it.

Guys- if you're anything like me you have a problem with being wrong and admitting to it. I had a revelation last night after my wife got pissed at me for making her wait on me to come pick her up from her parents house. Now, there's more to that story of course, but that's not important.

The important thing is that I was wrong in my reasoning, but I was too proud to admit what happened? argument! As I was trying to explain myself to my lovely (at the time red faced) wife I realized that most of our arguments usually start bc I don't want to simply say," I shouldn't have done whatever I did, and I should have done this".

Maybe one of these days I will straighten myself out, bite the bullet, and man up to my wrongness (I'm making that a word). This is what kills me -feeling like I let someone down, especially the ones I love, especially especially my wife!!!

So, dudes here's some advice from me to you- if you're wrong, tell her that and extinguish the argument before it starts. The other way does NOT end well! trust me

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

HE got a hold of me!

Ever been sitting in church and it's almost like God just comes and sits down right beside you? Well, that happened to me this past Sunday, and it rocked my world.

It was getting close to the end of the service and Matt was giving the invitation. He asked the ones that wanted to accept Christ to make a very bold move; to get out of their seat and join him up on stage.....keep this in mind.

Now, before he said, "ok come up", he was describing exactly what Jesus went through for us so that we could inherit the Kingdom of Heaven for eternity. While he was talking a video of clips from the "Passion" was playing silently behind him on screen. I had seen the movie before, but for some reason this time it broke me down even more than the first time I saw it. I'll be honest with you I was cryin like a baby.

Then to top it all off one person that service was bold enough to get out of their seat and come up on stage to accept Jesus......a flippin twelve year old!!! I couldn't thank God enough as I sat in my seat. It was truly an AMAZING moment!

Let me end this post by saying that Mark Stanley freakin ROCKS the guitar like no other!!! It's a blessing to worship with him.

until next time peeps

PS- come out to the rec fields tonight to support The Rock softball team @8PM!!!! Hope to see you there!

Friday, April 24, 2009

pretty cool stuff

Last Sunday at church we talked about being a positive christian influence to people, specifically nonbelievers. As I was sitting there listening I was asking myself if I was doing my best to be a good influence to those around me daily. I know I could do a better job, bc sometimes I just don't feel like talking, so I could do better.

There aren't many times, at least in my life, when people come up to you and say, "hey thanks you have really been a great influence to me!"......BUT, every once in a while I get a little hint from God that I'm doing a decent job.

For example; FLASHBACK- one summer when I was in college I decided to dedicate on week of my summer to helping lead a FCA huddle of high school dudes at a leadership camp in St. Simon's Georgia. It was one of the best weeks of my life, and I encourage every college student to at least try one! Well, I had about 8 guys in my huddle that I was responsible for leading. Now, if you asked me what there names were it might take me a long time and some pictures to remember, but that's beside the point of this story. I was with those 8 guys from sun up to sun down everyday for that week. We had a great time with some competitive sports during the day, and some detailed bible study at night after our worship time.

As we were leaving that camp on the last day I felt like I hadn't really made a difference in those kids' lives as much as I should have, but I did feel like I had grown spiritually. Back to present day- Last night I received a phone call from my buddy that was actually the other leader that I roomed with at that camp, not to mention he is a good friend of mine that drove us all the way there. He told me that he was at an FCA banquet and some random kid walked up and asked him if he had ever worked a leadership camp at St. Simon's. Jay (my buddy) said, "uh, yeah?" The the kid asked him if he was the one that roomed with Kevin Lockaby (me), and again Jay said yes. Then the kid proceeded to tell Jay that he wasn't living his life like he should have been when he was attending the camp, but that Jay and I really had a big impact on his life. He wanted to make sure that he let us know that it was bc of our actions and by our example that he came to know Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior. Talk about FREAKIN AWESOME! I was floored! I hope to hear from this kid soon.

I can't describe the feeling that gave me just to know that God used me in such a way that I didn't even know he was doing it! All I did was pray and agree to be a leader, He did the rest!

It's experiences like this that keep me going. God is at work people, even when you don't realize it!

Hope you can interpret my rambling ;-)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

ROCK softball schedule 09

Just in case you want to come cheer us along.....bc we NEED it!!

Mon 4/27 vs. Pine Grove 8pm

Tues. 4/28 vs. 1st Baptist 9pm

Thurs. 4/30 vs. Bethany 9pm

Mon. 5/4 vs. Trinity 8pm

Mon 5/11 vs. Christ Community 9pm

Tues. 5/12 vs. North Conway 7pm

Thurs. 5/14 vs. Jamestown 8pm

Tues. 5/19 vs. 1st Baptist 9pm

Thurs. 5/21 vs. Bethany 8pm

Tues. 5/26 vs. Pine Grove 8pm

Thurs. 5/28 vs. Trinity 8pm

Tues. 6/2 vs. Christ Community 7pm

Thurs. 6/4 vs. North Conway 7pm


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I don't know how many people actually read this blog, but if you do you might remember an old post of mine talking about me going on a diet.....I have NOT being doing as well as planned!

I need some serious discipline. I gotta hunker down if I want to reach my goals. So, I guess I'm asking for the prayers of you peeps that are reading this now. Pray that I would suck it up and be a water drinking no sugar eating FREAK of nature!!!



Sitting here wishing I was at the beach with my beautiful bride and baby girl, Gray!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Suck it Up!

Music yesterday was very off for me. The 9:00 service went great, and I got the opportunity to sing a great new song called "Glory to God". Then the 10:30 service rolled around.

You would think that after singing a song once before and nailing it that I would do somewhat the same the second time around right?......WRONG! I don't know what was going on in my mind, but I flat out forgot the words on part of the second verse. Then I completely left out part of the chorus on another song.

The only thing I can think of is that satan was doing his best to mess up our worship experience, but he DIDN'T succeed!!! I didn't let my screw up mess up the vibe, and sang straight through the suckness he was trying to create. Sometimes you just have to kick satan in the balls and drive on!

What time is it?

This morning I was on car duty when a little boy hopped out of the car flashing his new watch at me. So, I asked him what time it was...he replied, "sixty-eight thirty!". That put a smile on my face for the rest of the day!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Best Moment Ever!

Last night I had a church softball game....we lost by one stinkin run! Usually that would bug the pee out of me bc I'm so freakin competitive, but last night I couldn't have cared less....and I'll tell you why.

I was on my way up to bat when I hear this from the stands, "Daaaaady!". I looked over to and saw my little 1 1/2 year old girl, Gray, waving her little hand at me with a HUGE smile on her face!!! When she noticed me looking at her she said "HEY", and kept waving. Let me tell you I could've struck out swinging with my pants falling down and not cared one single bit after that moment. By far one of the highlights of my life!!! Oh yeah I hit a homerun right after that too


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

a new adventure

So I turned 25 this past year and some people say that's when your body starts going to crap. Well, being very "in shape" minded I refuse to let this happen. I started thinking about my eating habits, which SUCK! I came to the conclusion that although my metabolisim is still very high, it won't be like that forever. So, I decided that it would be better to start eating the right way now in order to make it easier on myself later in life.

I've always been exercise driven and highly active, so I don't really have to change all that much in that area. Although, I have toned down my workouts a little. See, I used to work out to get stronger and bigger for ball, but now it's more about maintaining what I have.

If you know me you might think that I'm crazy for going on a diet, but you have to realize that I'm never satisfied with my physique. I'm always trying to think of ways to get more toned. I like to look good for my wife, not to mention it's nice to look good on the beach!

Bodies are built in the kitchen. If you've never heard this then read it again, bc it's VERY true! You can workout all you want to, but if you keep eating crap food you will never meet your goals. It's all about sacrifice....what are you willing to give up? For me it's junkfood!!! I'm the type of person that has to have something sweet after a doesn't feel complete if I don't. I have to nip this in the bud. I also started drinking nothing but water and milk. I had to stick with 2% milk though to keep my my opinion 1% milk looks like 99% water and 1% milk.

I also am a candy connoisseur, mainly Reese cups....they are my nemesis! Gotta nip that one too. I've come to this conclusion; if it's not in my house it's a whole lot easier not to eat it! Easy solution.....stop bringing it home!

Anyways, if you want to help me out please pray that I keep my sanity without my sweets, and that I don't drive my wife crazy.

I'll close with a little advice that usually helps me when I'm tempted to eat something I know I shouldn't: picture the body that you want to have, and ask youself if that item is going to help you reach that goal.

That's it for now. I'll keep y'all posted.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Great Tuesday

Well so far this tuesday couldn't have started any better. The first great thing I found out this morning was that I PASSED the freakin PLT which was great news! Secondly, I found out that four of my classes are going to be gone on field trips today, so I get a break on my first day back. To top it all off I get to play golf AND softball today. If the rain holds off this could be one of the best of the year!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Almost time!!!

Spring break offically starts in 10 min!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Things I'm looking forward to during Spring Break...

Here's some things that I'm really looking forward to during my Spring Break:

- Getting to spend time with my two favorite girls in the world, Hannah and Gray!
- Not having to get up everyday at 6am.
- Playing some golf with Dad.
- Beating Dad in some golf.
- Going to Charleston with Hannah and Gray
- having time to relax
- getting out of the everyday routine of things!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Currently I am a JV golf coach, and let me tell you it is one of the best jobs in the world!!! I not only get to help teach boys how to become men, but I get to play golf pretty much everyday! Not to mention it's FREE!!!

Yesterday we had a match against Waccamaw. Usually I don't play on match days, mainly bc I like to go around and keep up with how the kids are shooting, but yesterday was different. The match was at Caledonia, and I had never been there before. As soon as we entered through the gates my jaw hit the floor! It was like something from a movie! The grass was so green it looked fake. I could try and describe it on here, but that just wouldn't do it justice. It was truly an incredible experience.

On one hole there were two pretty large gators chillin out getting some sun right next to the fairway. Go figure that one of the guys I was playing with hit his ball within four feet of the beasts. My buddy said, "might as well forget about that ball". I quickly said, "nah, I'll get it!". He said I was insane. It sounded a lot easier than it was once I started walking towards them. I got within six feet of them and realized this probably wasn't the smartest idea I'd had.....I was about to take another step when one of the gators cut his eyes at me.....I FROZE and said you can have it buddy!!! As I turned around and started walking back I noticed my buddy in the cart with his camera phone filming the whole thing. He said he wasn't going to miss an opportunity like that.

Overall it was an AMAZING day! I will have to say that the BEST part of the day was coming home, and getting to see my beautiful bride that I'd missed SO much for three days!

and that was my Wednesday folks!