Monday, April 20, 2009

Suck it Up!

Music yesterday was very off for me. The 9:00 service went great, and I got the opportunity to sing a great new song called "Glory to God". Then the 10:30 service rolled around.

You would think that after singing a song once before and nailing it that I would do somewhat the same the second time around right?......WRONG! I don't know what was going on in my mind, but I flat out forgot the words on part of the second verse. Then I completely left out part of the chorus on another song.

The only thing I can think of is that satan was doing his best to mess up our worship experience, but he DIDN'T succeed!!! I didn't let my screw up mess up the vibe, and sang straight through the suckness he was trying to create. Sometimes you just have to kick satan in the balls and drive on!