Tuesday, April 28, 2009

HE got a hold of me!

Ever been sitting in church and it's almost like God just comes and sits down right beside you? Well, that happened to me this past Sunday, and it rocked my world.

It was getting close to the end of the service and Matt was giving the invitation. He asked the ones that wanted to accept Christ to make a very bold move; to get out of their seat and join him up on stage.....keep this in mind.

Now, before he said, "ok come up", he was describing exactly what Jesus went through for us so that we could inherit the Kingdom of Heaven for eternity. While he was talking a video of clips from the "Passion" was playing silently behind him on screen. I had seen the movie before, but for some reason this time it broke me down even more than the first time I saw it. I'll be honest with you I was cryin like a baby.

Then to top it all off one person that service was bold enough to get out of their seat and come up on stage to accept Jesus......a flippin twelve year old!!! I couldn't thank God enough as I sat in my seat. It was truly an AMAZING moment!

Let me end this post by saying that Mark Stanley freakin ROCKS the guitar like no other!!! It's a blessing to worship with him.

until next time peeps

PS- come out to the rec fields tonight to support The Rock softball team @8PM!!!! Hope to see you there!