Friday, April 24, 2009

pretty cool stuff

Last Sunday at church we talked about being a positive christian influence to people, specifically nonbelievers. As I was sitting there listening I was asking myself if I was doing my best to be a good influence to those around me daily. I know I could do a better job, bc sometimes I just don't feel like talking, so I could do better.

There aren't many times, at least in my life, when people come up to you and say, "hey thanks you have really been a great influence to me!"......BUT, every once in a while I get a little hint from God that I'm doing a decent job.

For example; FLASHBACK- one summer when I was in college I decided to dedicate on week of my summer to helping lead a FCA huddle of high school dudes at a leadership camp in St. Simon's Georgia. It was one of the best weeks of my life, and I encourage every college student to at least try one! Well, I had about 8 guys in my huddle that I was responsible for leading. Now, if you asked me what there names were it might take me a long time and some pictures to remember, but that's beside the point of this story. I was with those 8 guys from sun up to sun down everyday for that week. We had a great time with some competitive sports during the day, and some detailed bible study at night after our worship time.

As we were leaving that camp on the last day I felt like I hadn't really made a difference in those kids' lives as much as I should have, but I did feel like I had grown spiritually. Back to present day- Last night I received a phone call from my buddy that was actually the other leader that I roomed with at that camp, not to mention he is a good friend of mine that drove us all the way there. He told me that he was at an FCA banquet and some random kid walked up and asked him if he had ever worked a leadership camp at St. Simon's. Jay (my buddy) said, "uh, yeah?" The the kid asked him if he was the one that roomed with Kevin Lockaby (me), and again Jay said yes. Then the kid proceeded to tell Jay that he wasn't living his life like he should have been when he was attending the camp, but that Jay and I really had a big impact on his life. He wanted to make sure that he let us know that it was bc of our actions and by our example that he came to know Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior. Talk about FREAKIN AWESOME! I was floored! I hope to hear from this kid soon.

I can't describe the feeling that gave me just to know that God used me in such a way that I didn't even know he was doing it! All I did was pray and agree to be a leader, He did the rest!

It's experiences like this that keep me going. God is at work people, even when you don't realize it!

Hope you can interpret my rambling ;-)