Monday, June 8, 2009

tough times

Don't you just hate those times in your life when you have to try and fight off the tears? Well, today was one of those days for me.

Today was my second to last day at my job. In august I will be teaching at a new school, and in a totally different subject area. I will be going from teaching PE to teaching the 4th grade!

Anyways, at lunch today we had our "end of the year luncheon/celebration". During this celebration I had to sit up in front of everyone in a chair while my principal read a bio about me written by my wife. It was VERY tough sitting there and not crying my eyes out in front of everyone.

You might not understand this, but to me those ladies, and gentlemen (can't forget you Ron and Woodrow!) are like my family. Most of them I would consider my second moms and sisters. So, it was very hard for me to keep it together sitting up there listening to my principal say my goodbyes for me.

I was very glad that my wife included a couple of my blog posts in that bio letter, bc there is NO way I could have said that in front of everyone. I didn't say much during the lunch, not bc I don't care, but bc I literally would have broken down like a baby.

Today was one of the hardest days of my life, and I'm sure that tomorrow will replace it being the last day. If you are reading this and you have worked with me for the past three and a half years please know that I LOVE YOU to death, and I'm VERY thankful to have been a part of your life. I will pray for you all daily, and hope that you do the same for me.