There comes a time in everyone's life when you just have to say "this SUCKS". I have reached that point of suckness.
I was notified yesterday that I will no longer be allowed to teach physical education, and that I will be moved to an elementary classroom.
For those of you that know me you know that I am all about anything that involves sports and fitness. Hearing that I would no longer be able to teach in this area really crushed me.....BUT I'm ok with it, and here's why.
I have a Savior that knows what's best for me. Once I accepted Him into my life I gave him ALL control. So, who am I to complain about what He wants for me. Yesterday before my meeting I was thinking about Jesus as he was on his way to the cross to die.....did you know that he didn't want to do it?! He stopped, fell to his knees, and said Father if there is anyway I can get out of this I'll take it, but if not I'll do it, bc I want Your will to be done, not mine.
So, I told God that I really love what I do, and if there is any way I can keep doing it please allow it, but like your son I want your will for my life...if this is what you want me to do I'll do it, put all my heart into it, and not complain.
Everyone has been coming up to be today and telling me how sorry they are and how much they will miss me next year....that really means a lot.
I just want to say pray for me, don't be sad for me.... I STILL have a job, and I'm thankful.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Good Bye Physical Education
Posted by klock at 12:08 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
For those of you that don't know I have a daughter that is almost 16 months old named Gray. She is my little buddy, and I love her to death.
Sad to say that lately my little bud has been sick with a high fever. Her Mom and I just thought that it was her teething again, so we didn't think much about it....until she kept the fever for almost three days.
The part that sucks about you kid being at that young age is that they can't tell you what's wrong when something hurts, and that kills me! I'm looking forward to her getting out of that stage.
Well, my wife took Gray to the doc and we found out that she has a bladder infection. Obviously this isn't good, but the really bad thing is that it could be worse. If the infection is just on the outside of the bladder we are in the clear, and it can be treated with antibiotics. On the other hand, if the infection is inside the bladder we have to take her to the hospital for lab work!
Please pray with us that the infection is not inside the bladder, and this will all fade away quickly. I don't want my little buddy hurting anymore :-(
Posted by klock at 1:26 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thank Goodness It's Friday!!!!!! Not too sure what I'm going to do this weekend, but I'm going to try my best to squeeze in something that is productive. I too often find myself wishing my week away for the weekend. Lately, I've decided that monday through thursday are just as important, and great things can still happen during that time. So I guess I'm saying I'm no longer living for the weekend......just straight livin it up!
If you don't have a church and you live in Conway, SC I'll see you at Frank Theaters Sunday morning at 10:10 for some rockin worship!!!
Posted by klock at 12:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Don't worry...
I came across this verse this morning and it couldn't be more meaningful in my life than right now. Lately money has REALLY been short around the Lockaby household. So short in fact that we really weren't sure how we were going to pay our house taxes that were due in Jan. I called the treasurer today after having a long conversation with God about not worrying anymore. God pretty much told me that if I needed something to ask for it, and pray hard about everything, so I did.....I told God that I needed money.......then He answered. This is awesome! I called the treasurer to get a balance of what we owe on our taxes.....and the lady said, "Sir, your house taxes have already been paid by your mortgage company"........I had forgotten about our escrow account. I just about screamed in the middle of my office! All I could say was "are you serious???" The lady reassured me over and over and over again . Isn't God GOOD!!!
Now I'm a pretty tough guy, but this almost brought me to tears. It's been a while since I've heard from God, partly bc I just haven't been talking enough to Him. There is nothing in the world like hearing from our heavenly Father!
So, if you're reading this blog and you need something from God....ask Him, HE WANTS YOU TO! Just don't forget about thanking Him for everything He has already done.
On the flip side, if you're reading this blog and you don't even know who Jesus is, don't you see what you're missing? Don't you want that???
Posted by klock at 1:57 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Posted by klock at 12:13 PM 0 comments
good people
I just want to say thank you to my Mom, Dad, and wonderful Sister for loving me so much!
Posted by klock at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Speak to me......please!
Need some prayer a BIG way! Speak to me Lord! Pray that He gives me some direction. Thanks dudes
Posted by klock at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Have you ever had one of those days where you feel like your butt is dragging the ground?........I'm there today. I don't know what it is, but I feel weird........slight headache and just off. Thinkin bout taking half the day off and going home...we'll see I guess. Hope your day goes well though.
Posted by klock at 8:01 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
weekend wrap up...
Let me first start off with saying that my sister-in-law might be one of the best female athletes I her first ever collegiate softball game (USC) at bat she doubled off the wall scoring two runs, and that was only the beginning. Second game she hit not one, but TWO bombs!!! Look for this kid to do HUGE things for the Gamecocks....go ahead #11
Going to Columbia was pretty much the main chunk of my weekend.....After the game we waited almost an hour to eat at Olive Garden, and it was worth ever min of the wait. With a full tummy we all got in the car and headed back to C-way....that ride home was the LONGEST and most uncomfortable ride EVER! Yukons do not have much leg room in the back.
I will have to say that today was pretty awesome. Kicked off the day with some ROCK style worship that rocked my face off. If you live in Conway and don't have a church check out The Rock on Sunday mornings in Frank theaters at will change your life! After church I was fortunate enough to get nine holes of golf in before heading to youth. Being with the youth on Sunday nights always pumps me up....they are amazing kids!
Right now I'm on the couch with my hott smokin wife keeping my eyes on her and trying to forget that the weekend is coming to a close :-(
That's in for now peeps
Posted by klock at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
American Idol
Ok I'll have to admit that I actually look forward to watching American know you do too! Well, I'm going to go ahead and tell you who the winner will's either going to be the music teacher guy (Danny I think), or the dude that used to be a part of the deuling pianos (scratchy voice). Both of these dudes are VERY good. Don't believe me.... just watch the show.
Posted by klock at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
hannah gray photography
Posted by klock at 2:35 PM 1 comments
YES, it's snowing...........................nooooooooo, we're not going home from school!
Posted by klock at 10:15 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Golf tryouts started yesterday. Due to time we could only score the kids on two holes, but they didn't know this beforehand. The first group I took out was pretty good, then came the second. I noticed that one of the kids in the second group was one of my JV football players.....this kid was known for dumb mistakes.....good kid though. Well, his first tee shot went straight into the pond....he turned around with a blank look on his face...I told him to hit another, no response...Then I said," please tell me you didn't bring just one ball!".....he shook his head yes. So, one of the other kids gave him another ball to use which he proceeded to hit in the water again. I asked the other guys if anyone felt generous. One of the others gave him yet another ball......he hit it about a yard shy of the ladies tees. I said, "looks like you're up again buddy". He lined up, no practice swing, and hit the water! Needless to say he didn't play anymore after that.
Moral of the story: You've got to have BALLS to play golf!!!
Posted by klock at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
my Smokin HOTT wife!
Yesterday I sat in church and listened to my father-in-law preach the "Man Message". It was great stuff! I really learned a lot. One of the main things that I realized is that I don't treat my wife the same way I did as when I was trying to win her over, at least not as intense. I am SOOOO blessed to have the wife that I have. Next to Jesus, Hannah is the best thing that has ever happend to me. I'm not one to get all mushy, but I really love my wife. The word beautiful doesn't even begin to describe her. There should be a new word in the dictionary for her smokinhottness. I love that she's not fake, and she is never afraid to put me in my place (not saying that happens much of course). So, in saying all this I've come up with some goals. Number one- Date Night every week! Two- a lot more attention focused on her needs not mine. Three- still thinking, but you get the point!
Hannah - I love you babe ;)
Posted by klock at 12:08 PM 0 comments
yo yo
Today I start one of my other coaching responsibilities which is golf. There are a few reasons why I choose to coach golf; one - I get to play golf basically every day for FREE, two - we always get some really nice stuff, and three - I get to spend all week coaching, mentoring, and teaching these boys how to become responsible young men. Did I mention that it's a GREAT ministry! Very excited about this season and all it will bring.
Posted by klock at 12:00 PM 0 comments